• Destination: Amazon
  • Date: May/06/2024 - May/16/2024
  • Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/847774522344474/
  • Travel blog: https://amazon2-2020.blogspot.com/


ATTENTION - This trip requires VACCINATION against YELLOW FEVER! The exchange student will have to take the vaccine against the Yellow Fever, at least 10 (ten) days prior to the trip (in case the student hasnt taken it yet in his/her life). Students in exchange in Paraguay must travel with the International Certificate of Vaccination.

When you decided to come to Brazil, naturally, you dreamed about going to the Amazon Rain Forest. Soon you realized it is not easy. But now the unique opportunity to visit its wonders and mysteries, as deep in as you never imagined, is closer than you ever expected. Terra Brasil will offer you a big adventure through the largest rain forest on Earth!

With 4,9 million km2 of dense rain forest, the Amazons grandeur is overwhelming. Only the Brazilian part is larger than 15 European countries together. 60% of the Earth species live in this green area. In just one tree you can find more types of ants than in the whole England. There you find 1/5 of the worlds fresh water, 10 out of the 20 largest rivers, including the Amazon River, which is the longest and has the highest water volume in the world. In this inland sea you can find the largest fresh water mammal and fish: the Manatee and the Pirarucu.

On this great trip you will first fly to Manaus, doorsteps to the Amazon Rain Forest, from where we will head to Presidente Figueiredo, also known as the land of the waterfalls. This small town is located 107 km from Manaus, in the middle of an incredible rich forest, where nature has hidden rivers, waterfalls and caves.

Back to Manaus, the Amazon States capital, it is time to visit this big city surrounded by forest and water all around. There you will learn about the wealth that the rubber exploration brought to the region in the past.

Following, we will take a boat to the heart of the jungle. We will sleep in hammocks like the local people. We will visit the meeting of the waters between two rivers: the muddy water of Solimões River and the black water of Negro River do not mix for six kilometers forming the Amazon River all the way up to the Ocean. We will also get to know Vitória Régia, the symbol plant of the region, before going to the Anavilhanas Archipelago. At Negro River, it is formed by 400 islands displayed as a chain and hosting complex and delicate ecosystems.

You will be able to enjoy this beautiful nature in company of other exchange students from all over the world.

Enjoy the trip!