

You should send to Terra Brasil Turismo, the following documents:

1. Authorization form, original, signed by your parents from your home country. The authorization form can be found in here!
Please, ask your parents to print it, sign and then upload in our under your account in our portal.

2. Copy of your health/life insurance. Each student must have his own health/life insurance and know how it works to participate on the trip. If the student does not have an insurance policy or does not know how the insurance works, we will provide him/her one only for the days of trip (extra cost). The student must pay for all health expenses he/she needs during the trip.

3. Passport copy. All exchange students must send us a copy of his/her passport (copy of the page containing the photo and personal information).

All these documents must be at Terra Brasil by December 16th, 2023.


If you have participated on a previous trip with Terra Brasil and have already sent the documents above, there is no need to send them again.

ATTENTION - Exchange students living outside Brazil (Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and others):

Some nationalities are required a tourism VISA to visit Brazil. Exchange students/families must verify the VISA requirement, and if the case, start the process to issue the VISA (check here for more information: in advance.
Remember as well to verify if the student VISA of your country of exchange (Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and others) is MULTIPLE-entry/exit, allowing you to leave and return to the country of exchange.
Also verify the policy for minors to leave and enter the country of exchange (if it is required any document). Brazil does not require any authorization for a FOREIGN minor to enter/leave the country.
Terra Brasil Turismo does not work with VISA issuing, therefore any specific doubts related to that must be forwarded to the Consulates/Embassies. We remember that is entire responsibility of the exchange students to provide and possess ALL the required documents to travel!